August 8, 2023Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes14 Alt Dumbbell Shoulder Press20 Burpees/Push Ups7 Strict Pull Ups/Inverted Row/Feet Elevated Ring Row
Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes14 Alt Dumbbell Shoulder Press20 Burpees/Push Ups7 Strict Pull Ups/Inverted Row/Feet Elevated Ring Row
February 3, 2025Part 1 3 Sets 8 Front Rack Lunges *4 Reps Each Leg *Build In Weight to Technical Failure *Rest 2-3 Mins Between Sets Part 2 AMRAP 12...
February 4, 2025For Time 3,600M Bike 1,800M Row 1,400M Ski/100 Burpees/100 HR Push Ups/100 Slam Balls Perf ormed As: 2 Mins On / 1 Min Off Time...
February 5, 2025Part 1 3 Sets 8 Thrusters *Build In Weight to Technical Failure *Rest 2-3 Mins Between Sets Part 2 21-15-9 Thrusters/DB...