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July 26, 2023

Part 1

5 Rounds

6 Alt Plank Row w/3s Pause

8 Tempo Push Ups (33X1)

Rest 1 min between rounds

Part 2

5 Rounds

10 Single Arm Floor Press (Right)

10 Single Arm Floor Press (Left)

20 Leg Raises/10 Slow Sit Ups/Bird Dogs

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July 22, 2024

Part 1 On the 3:00 x 3 Sets: 3 Strict Press ‍* 5 Second Negative * Build In Weight Part 2 For Time: 10-20-30 Thrusters/DB 12-18-24 Push Ups/Bar-Facing Burpees ‍Time Cap: 18 Mins

July 23, 2024

3 Rounds 80 Double Unders/120 single skips/DB Hop overs 50 AbMat Sit-ups/Other Core 20 Cal Row 10 DB Hang Snatch (R) 10 DB Hang Snatch (L) ‍Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds ‍Time Cap: 30 Mins

July 24, 2024

Part 1 On the 3:00 x 3 Sets: 3 Deadlifts * 5 Second Negative * Build In Weight Part 2 For Time: 30 Deadlifts/KB Swings/GM 600m Run/750m Row 20 Power Cleans/DB/Hang 400m Run/500m Row 10 Front Squats/Go

Post: Blog2_Post
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